Friday, August 8, 2014

Day 37- August 2 Crossing Quebec

Day 37-  August 2    Crossing Quebec

After getting fuel we crossed over through Quebec City to Hwy 40 or the Chemin Du Roy, also known as King's Road.  This was the first carriage road to join Montreal and Quebec City winding it's way through towns and countryside alike.  Good thing now it's a paved highway for our travels.
Beautiful countryside

Crossing over the St. Lawrence River

Stopped at Sainte-Anne-de-la-Perode at the visitor center beside Reviere Sainte-Anne for lunch.  After lunch we walked to the cheese shop, Fromagerie Fx Pichet just down the road and bought 2 different types of cheese.  It was very warm today so the gang stopped for a cool treat before going to the church, Eglise Saine-Anne-de-la-Perade.  There was a wedding going on so we didn't stay long as we forgot our invitations.
Hailey by Saint Anne River

Eglise Sainte-Anne-de-la-Perade (fancy name for big church)

Shh... a wedding

An uneventful drive navigating through Montreal to our KOA campsite just south of Montreal.  We could see a couple of familiar landmarks that we will have to search out tomorrow.  Kids headed to the unheated pool while we chillaxed.
Olympic Parc

Expo 67

We drove for about 5 hours today and are already planning what to see tomorrow in Montreal.


  1. Quebec is so interesting...lots of history that you guys must have loved :)
